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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Yes, there are monsters...

...and they may not look like this.

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12 ESV)

First, let me preface this post by telling you I do not exaggerate or embellish the workings of God so neither shall I exaggerate or minimize the work of Satan. The truth is in the Word of God.

Tragically, many people who believe themselves to be Christians do not believe that Satan exists, or that he walks among us as do his demons. I say tragically because they do work around us and engage us. The closer you are to God the harder Satan will work to turn you from God.

In the past several days while preaching the word of God at a ministry in which I work, I encountered evil. The encounter has left a mark and several days later I was compelled by the Spirit to share this with you.

While inviting people to a Bible study an ordinary-looking man approached me I greeted him and I handed him an invitation. There was something that felt wrong about this person. Have you ever had something make your hair stand on end?

The man asked if we could converse and I said: “Of course”. The man motioned me to the side and whispered, “Jesus is not the son of God.” I replied really. He continued, “he did not die for your sins, and he came here to be an example only, you just need to act like Jesus, and you will be fine.” I asked the man where he heard this, and he replied, “I teach the Bible”. I asked him, what Bible he taught from, and he said "All the Bibles are the same," to which I said "no, they are not." I asked Him if he had ever read Romans 3: 23-26, or Romans 5:8, both of which refuted what he had said. The man said that your interpretation is wrong. So, I told the man I do not interpret scripture, the Word of God is truth on its face.

I told the man I was not having this conversation and we would need to agree to disagree, and he said, “Oh no, we are going to continue this conversation” with a smirk on his face that was sheer evil. Again, I told him I am here doing the Lord's work and you will not stop me from reaching those who need to know God. The man arrogantly slithered away with the same smirk on his face.

This person was demonic. I have had discussions with other strangers at this ministry on God, Jesus, and doctrine, and in no way was it the same. There was a quiet calm with this worker of Satan that took me aback. His purpose was to disrupt the ministry and prohibit the gospel from being spread. Six days later this encounter still has not left me.

Brothers and Sisters, there are demonic principalities, there are demons, and Satan will cause an encounter if he chooses to do so. Our ministry is very successful, and we spread the word to many, and many have come to Christ. While this was an evil encounter, it was also very reassuring. It reassured everyone in this ministry that we are doing God's work to the point the evil wants it stopped or derailed. God stood with me and let me recognize what stood before me, evil, someone who is anti-Christ, against the Lord.

John warned us of these encounters in 1 John 2:18, “Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come.”

Do not be caught off guard, if you are a child of God, you will be tested. As Paul wrote, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:11 ESV).

Our God protects us from evil. He makes us aware of what stands before us, and He teaches us how to rebuke evil in its tracks.

Grace and Peace!

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