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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Will the Real God Please stand up

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

A World of Hate

We live in a world of hate. Think about it everyone hates anything that is different, contrary to, moralistic, and even unifying. We live in a world where you are "canceled" for disagreeing or having different views. Even our president who ran on a unification platform is flat-out divisive in his speeches. For a man who laid his hand on a Bible and took an oath as a leader, he is not very Christian-friendly. So, why am I talking about hate in a Christian blog? Because those words or something similar will come out of our mouths at some point. But some hate is not bad. What????????

God Hates

We always talk of the love of God, but scripture tells us that God hates. Yes God hates. God is all holy, and all just. People will rail against this idea because all they hear from the pulpit is God is love. Sorry folks this is just not the case. Let’s look at Psalm 5:4-6 as an example. Many of us have heard God "loves the sinner but hates the sin." This is just not a biblical idea. The writer of Psalm 5:4-6 wrote, “For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you. The boastful shall not stand before your eyes; you hate all evildoers. You destroy those who speak lies; the Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man. God is all righteous therefore He must hate all evil. If you are a Christian you must hate evil. If you love a brother or sister who is black you must hate racism. If you love the Jewish people you must hate the Holocaust. We cannot vacillate, we must stand on firm ground and represent Christ here on earth. We must have morals in a world where it is lacking. We must hate those things that are contrary to solid Christian beliefs. Notice I said those things, not those people.

The Real God

No doubt this is a controversial thought and if I preached this in a church someone would stand up and say, “that’s not my God”. That’s because preachers today do not preach about the wrath of God. They anthropomorphize God giving Him human characteristics. God is not like us. God even said I am not like you. God tells us this through the writer of Psalm 50:21 who wrote, These things you have done, and I have been silent; You thought that I was one like yourself. But now I rebuke you and lay the charge before you." God is holy, holy means set apart. God is set apart from us. He is levels above us in a place of righteousness that is unreachable. Many people have created their own God in their minds who represents all the things they believe. This is idolatry, our God never changes. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and tomorrow, Hebrews 13:8 ESV.” The God of the Old Testament is still the God of the New Testament. The only thing that changes is the way God is represented by men. Without strong men in the pulpit who are willing to take the heat for preaching a righteous God, we are all led astray.

The Cup of Salvation

Our God is a God of love, but He is also a wrathful God. Thankfully, He sent his only son to take that wrath for us so that we might be saved. Jesus said, Father, take this cup from me, take this cup from me. What was in the cup Jesus asked God to take from him? Wrath, the wrath of an almighty God was in that cup, and Christ drank it for all of us.

We should all pray for those who do not know Him, and for those brothers and sisters who have walked away from Him that they would turn and cleave to His goodness and mercy. Be the light of God and a beacon to the lost sheep of God that they might return to His grace and mercy. Amen, Blessings...

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