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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

What's love got to do with it

“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” (1 John 2:15-17 ESV)

Do not love. Are we not, as Christians, called to love? Yet John tells us not to love (yea I know, finish the sentence). I mean, we are genuinely called to love everyone. We are to love everyone, and not just everyone, but especially our enemies. Love is the basis of our transformation through Christ. Is it not written, “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30 ESV). God commanded us to love; it is not just a suggestion but a command. Given this fact, shouldn’t this piece of scripture fall flat on its face?

Do not love. It makes us uncomfortable to read or hear those stand-alone words. But not all love is good. John wrote in the above scripture that the love of the world is not good. As we already know, the world is controlled by Satan and demonic principalities. So, when we hold love for the world, we are talking about the tangible things, worldly desires, and those things that lead us away from Christ. Love for the world is a love we project on the wrong object(s). So, the reality is that there is a kind of love that is wrong.

Pick One

If we try to float between the world and Christ, we are no longer with Christ. Jesus told us, “You cannot serve two masters at the same time. You will hate one and love the other, or you will be loyal to one and not care about the other. So, love of the world is a love of objects, ideas, or behaviors that distract us and pull us away from the Lord.

What is Really Wrong?

We can project our love wrongly onto people as well. If you are a married man, and you come to me and tell me of your attraction to another woman, or just the opposite, a married woman, and a man, it would be wrong of me to tell you it was okay to act on that attraction or love. Your attraction and love alone constitute idolatry and adultery; acting on it is physically committing adultery. Again, wrongly projecting our love in the wrong place.

Dealt the Cards

But Satan wants to play the “love card” to draw us into the world. Satan places this thought in front of us, “God commands you to love; therefore, no love is wrong, right?” Within the “love card,” Satan proffers that if two males or two females love each other, what business is it of ours to condemn that love? Love is love and we are called to love. Paul writes, “Because people did those things, God left them and let them do the shameful things they wanted to do. Women stopped having natural sex with men and started having sex with other women. In the same way, men stopped having natural sex with women and began wanting each other all the time. Men did shameful things with other men, and in their bodies they received the punishment for those wrongs.” (Romans 1:26-27 ESV). Hate me if you like, but the scripture is clear. I have family who are in this situation. So, how are we as Christians to deal with that situation, a brother, a sister, a niece, a nephew, a son, or a daughter? How? We love them, of course; however, as much as we love them, we cannot condone their decision; by their decision to love the world, they have separated themselves from Christ because of their love of the world. We should also counsel them on this fact. It is sinful behavior as dictated by scripture. Again, Satan is playing the “love card” with society, which has become embattled.

Not the Church?

Even more troubling is that there are denominations that have forsaken scripture and not only condone but employ those involved with this sin. In churches today, this is occurring. In doing so, they are not only affecting their spirituality but many others as well. So, you are in this same-sex relationship and going to church as an unrepentant sinner. What do you think God thinks of this? You are an unrepentant sinner who attempts to teach the word of God. How do you think God sees this? And I say attempts because the Spirit cannot lead you in ministering the Word while you remain deeply engulfed in sin; it is impossible.

Don't Be a Legalist

We must be careful here because some might say, well, I love alcohol, but I don’t drink it, I love drugs, but I don’t take them; I love same-sex attraction but resist it. You can do all these things, but that is moralism or legalism kicking in. I am better than you because I fight the urge despite loving it. John isn’t saying, “Don’t participate in the world”; he is telling us not to love the world.

What's the Answer?

The problem with all this boils down to one thing, the depth of our love for Christ. When Christ is the focus of our love above all things, I mean everything; the space in our hearts for the love of the world is pushed out. The deeper in love we are with Christ, the more the love for the world is pushed out until we reach a point in our lives where the world no longer matters. When we understand the love of Christ for us, we no longer want to violate that love, to taint that love. When we do taint that love, we become severely convicted, and if we are truly redeemed, if Christ has indeed saved us, if that heart of stone has been replaced, we run to Christ in repentance. The illicit things that appealed to us no longer appeal to us; Christ appeals to us. I am sorry, but there is no such thing as a gay Christian. You may believe in Christ, but you choose to ignore his commands, not only ignore but outwardly display your rebellion. You are either in the world or you are in Christ. Christ either transforms you, or you have conformed to the world. Hate me if you like, no longer follow this blog, and call me a hater (which I am not), but you cannot serve two masters. You cannot live with one foot in the society of Adam and one foot in the community of Christ. You can not be a part of the society of the prince of the power of the air (Satan) and be a Christian. It is impossible. Those who say you are able to, do not understand Christ and scripture or have twisted it for their own purpose.

Tough Love

This is a tough message. If you are a Christian, you have got to stand firm in your beliefs. You cannot conform to the world. That is exactly what Satan wants, to have Christians conform because they are afraid to speak the truth and stand firm in their beliefs. They are afraid of the repercussions of believing in the Word of God. Once you begin compromising, there is usually no turning back.

Seek Christ. If you struggle with alcohol, drugs, gambling, or same-sex attraction, seek out Christ, place Him as the focus of your life, the center of your world, and let him fill your heart with his love. His love is unending, unmatched, everlasting, and all-fulfilling. Eventually, there will be no room for the misplaced love that troubles you when Christ fills your heart with his love, and you are filled with love for Christ.“ Blessings and the peace of the Lord be upon you.

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