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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran


Abba, Father,

You, our merciful and loving Father, have blessed us abundantly, even in our unworthiness. In your infinite love, you created us as a precious gift for your Son. In His profound love for you, He shed His blood, cleansing us and justifying us to be worthy of your divine presence. The Holy Spirit, the powerful manifestation of our salvation, has miraculously transformed our hearts from stone to flesh. In the Trinity, we find an abundance of love, grace, mercy, and peace.

Lord, you are rejected in so many hearts, just as you were in Nazareth. Please help us to remember that, like then, you expect rejection; it was and is necessary. While our hearts are broken at the sight and sound of it, You know that we are closer to being reunited in eternity because of your divine plan.

Father, I pray you will continue to use the church for your glory. Please help us be the vessels needed to bring your chosen ones, your elect, to you so that they may be justified. Help us to be there in fellowship for those who need to be led by brothers and the Spirit. Help our shepherds to bring to our eyes and ears your will so that it may be done.

Lord, bless those who read these words and empower them to continue disseminating them. I pray you will persist in sending your words to the nations through our messages. Please guide us to reach out to those who are in dire need of you.

In the everlasting, precious, and lovely name of your Son, Christ Jesus, I pray, Amen.

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Hesbon Arwasa
Hesbon Arwasa
Jun 09

See Him and begin to see like Jesus sees. Gen 16:13-16 Hagar named Him “The God who Sees” Psalm 139 says He sees what is hidden in the womb. Numbers24:16 Balaam has a vision of Jesus. Matt 25:37. “When did we see you?” Oh may we see Him in His image bearing creation and do good to those around us.Happy church day

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