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  • Writer's pictureJimmy Young

The Art of Poli-Tricks

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgement." (Romans 13:1-3; ESV)

As divisive as politics can be, it can be difficult to fully wrap your head around Scripture verses like Romans 13:1-3.  There are politicians who, during their initial campaign for office, claim to identify with a Christian denomination, and they may even discuss the role that faith plays in their lives.  However, after they’re elected, we rarely (if ever) hear the Lord’s name emitted from their lips unless it’s used in a generic manner, such as “God bless America.”  Why is that?  Perhaps they’re concerned that they will offend those who are not followers of the God of the Bible.  After all, this country is a democracy, and not a theocracy.  Maybe they fail to understand that their faith is supposed to shape everything they do, not just in their private lives, but in their work lives, as well.  Or perhaps during their campaign they were simply placating to a voting block that was identified as “religious”.  I don’t know; only God knows the hearts of men.  But be warned: 

“Do not be deceived.  God is not mocked, for whatever one sows that will he also reap.”  (Galatians 6:7)

A study of God’s Word, an assessment of our current culture, and an ongoing contentious political environment, make it painfully clear that this country is under God’s judgement.  We are moving further and further away from the truth of God’s Word, which will only bring about our destruction. We are carelessly violating the very first commandment of God (“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3) by worshipping ourselves and what we decide is “popular” now.   

It appears that many of our elected officials are openly supporting Godless agendas.  If you are a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, I’m sure you are familiar with which initiatives I am referring to.  Some of our political leaders may be worshipping the Lord in secret (again, only God knows the heart), but feel compelled to support what’s popular and/or their party’s agenda, even if they do not agree.  I cannot imagine the degree of compromise that has to be exercised in politics.  I cannot fathom going along with the crowd when what I’m agreeing to goes against God.  Compromise may keep the peace, but when that compromise is counter to God’s sovereign Word, moral and spiritual disaster are sure to follow.   


Scripture tells us that we are to respect our political leaders.  In fact, we are told to pray for those in authority.  (See 1 Timothy 2:1-2).  Proverbs 21:9 says that “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He will.”  As such, we must remember that God is in full control of everything – including our political environment.  He has sent some to stand firm on His Word; He has sent others as punishment because we are turning our backs on His authority.  Read the Book of Judges to get a clearer understanding of how God will use others to chastise His people when they do what is evil in His sight.  Pastor Tony Evans puts it this way: “When people within a nation move away from honoring God, debauchery, decline, and chaos inevitably set in.  It doesn’t matter who is in power.  Until the spiritual aspect gets rectified and idols are dismissed – specifically among God’s people – there will be no divine standard operating within that country that can stop the downhill race into tragedy.”

The Lord’s judgement is upon us.  As children of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, let us repent while continuing to boldly proclaim His name.  Let us humbly ask the Lord to forgive us for turning our backs on Him.  Pray for our elected leaders, asking the Lord to touch them in such a way that their hearts burn to do what thus saith the Lord.  In the meantime, do not fret.  Our Lord’s return is imminent. He has already been declared the King, and His sovereign election is the only one that truly matters.  

God bless.

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