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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Thank You God

Father God,

As we begin a new week, we want to express our deep gratitude for everything you have blessed us. We are truly humbled by your mercy and the abundance of your blessings. Your holiness makes us aware of our shortcomings, and we humbly rejoice in the gift of salvation we have received through Christ.

Father, we are shortsighted and lose our place. We are prone to slip and fall. We are negligent in our works and easily distracted from your light. Yet, it is more than we can comprehend that you would love us and die for us. While we were still sinners, you bled on a tree, becoming a curse that we may be forgiven.

We can never repay the cost of our salvation, for your Son, Jesus, is worth more than creation and all it contains. It is through your grace that we will never be sent a bill. We believe through faith in grace that you have chosen and redeemed us. We worship you because we see you elevated far above us in holiness yet holding our hand in love.

Today is your day, the Lord’s Day. It is our day to remember you and all you have done for us. Today, we are determined to keep your day holy. We rely on your guidance today, Lord, as we navigate this treacherous world. Help us focus on and reflect your goodness to those around us. Use us, Lord, to open the door to the gospel for those who have not received it by faith.

In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

May the grace and peace of the Lord be with you.

15 views2 comments


Jul 08

Amen to that! That was beautiful 🥰

I love your posts like this ♥️


Hesbon Arwasa
Hesbon Arwasa
Jul 07

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. Let's serve God throughout our days

Love and peace

Jesus works

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