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  • Writer's pictureJimmy Young

Pray With Me, Saints

Most Wise and Eternal Father,

You are on my heart and mind as I rise this morning.  You are everything to me, Lord God.  You are the sovereign Creator of all things, and You hold everything together by the power of Your Word.  You are the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end.  You are the One true and living God.  You are the Holy and Righteous Judge, and I thank You for allowing mankind the privilege of knowing You through Your creation and through Your Word. 

You are my God and my King, oh Lord.  You are my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.  You are my  shield; my protector; my provider.  You are my Savior.  I thank You for your continued patience with me as a stumble in this flesh.  I thank You for the many blessings You have chosen to pour out on me.  I know that I do not deserve any of it, and yet You have blessed me with another opportunity to repent of my sins and to bless Your Holy name.  For you to consider me Your child is both indescribable and humbling. 

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your work at Calvary.  Thank You for living for me, for dying for me, and for rising for me.  Thank you for being the fulfillment of God’s law, and for taking on the punishment that I deserve for not being able to keep it.  You and You alone deserve all the glory, honor, and praise.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for sitting at the right hand of God, interceding on my behalf.  Thank You for sending Your precious Holy Spirit to reside in me.  He is the seal of my redemption, and I thank You for the transformative works He performs in my heart and mind. 

Lord God, I pray for my Brothers and Sisters in the faith.  I ask that you continue to bless them in Your name, and that You help them to walk with humility and grace.  I pray that we take every opportunity to study Your Word so that we are prepared to give an answer for the hope that lies within us.  I pray for those who are seeking Your face, as well as those who continue to reject You and Your Son.  Please continue to be patient and compassionate with them as You were with me, and use us as instruments of peace and reconciliation. 

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.  Amen.

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