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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Pray this day, a prayer to our Living God.

Merciful Father,

Thank You for this gift of a Sunday morning and for the reminder that Your mercies are new each day. I am truly grateful for another day that I may wake up in Your presence and know that You are always nearby.

Father, I ask for help to prepare my heart to be focused on You today and guide me through every decision and interaction that I will have this day. 

Lord, I ask that You fill me with Your peace and help me lay all my troubles down before You. Please settle any anxiety that is in my heart, help me rest in Your presence, and love others as You have commanded.

Father, we unite in prayer for those whom You have called to Your table, that they may be welcomed in Your presence. We ask for Your guidance for those who will lead others in Your name today. Bless them, Lord, and use them to further Your plan of redemption for those who have yet to know You. We, Your servants, are humbled and blessed that You continue to use us in Your sovereign will.

You are all powerful, all merciful, and a just God. Bless us as we worship you this day, Your day.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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