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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Pray Kenya

Brother and sisters, please pray for a ceasefire of hostiles in Kenya. There is political unrest that places many in danger. Pray for our brother and sister Hesbon and Marion, their church and orphanage, that they would remain safe and under God's care.

Almighty Father, we believe in your power. We pray that you will stretch out your hand and quell this violence. Lord, the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings, we ask you to blanket Kenya and the entire world with your peace, cleansing the violence that has been instigated by evil, and bringing forth your glory.

In Christ's name, we pray, Amen

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Hesbon Arwasa
Hesbon Arwasa
Jun 26

Thank you for your countinous prayers

Jesus works

God will cover us through

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