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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Like Strawberries?

“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.” (John 10:28 ESV)


A man had a son and took him to a strawberry field. His son tried fresh strawberries and loved them. They picked many that day and ate many as well. His son was full and satisfied. The son now not only shared the love of strawberries with his father but loved his father for sharing his love of strawberries with him. His son was always craving strawberries. Then, at a 7-11, he started drinking strawberry slushies one day. Overly sweet with only a hint of strawberries, the slushies only made him thirstier. All he began to drink was strawberry slushies, but soon, he lost the taste for fresh strawberries to the point of great disdain for the tart fresh berries. It took all the father could do to get him to eat fresh strawberries again. He took him many times to the field where they would pick and eat strawberries together until the son's cravings for the real, fresh strawberries returned. Loving strawberries again, the son asked a friend to try a fresh strawberry. The friend spit it out and walked away.


In John 10:28, Jesus assures us of a salvation that is not just secure but unshakable. Once we are saved through Christ, our salvation cannot be taken away; as Jesus declared, 'no one will snatch them out of my hand.' Even if we stumble and fall, our salvation remains steadfast. We might forget the sweet taste of the gospel, but repentance and forgiveness lead us back to the loving embrace of the Lord. How sweet it is.


People who do not know God do not understand God's love, peace, grace, and mercy, so they miss nothing. They must deal with trials on their own. They turn inward further away from God instead of being able to lean on Him. They may find some comfort in themselves but have no idea of the comfort of knowing God. God must enable one to understand the gospel. Until they are enabled, it may leave a bad taste in their mouth, and they will spit it out and walk away.


Has God ever picked you up and held you in a time of trouble? He held me when I thought my whole world was crashing around me. I will never forget feeling God's calm, assuring presence, knowing all the while that there was more that I had not begun to feel. It is something to treasure that one who knows not Christ will ever understand.


Once enabled by the Father, the elect grasps the gospel and holds on for dear life. They lean on Christ in times of trouble. They pray to the Father in glory and repentance. They pray for edification through the Holy Spirit.

No one can take your salvation from you. We all sin and may back-slide, but once saved, we are always saved. Make God your supreme treasure, and you will glorify him through your love and satisfaction in Him.


Grace and Peace!

15 views2 comments


Jun 05

This one made me cry. So beautiful 😍

Joe Baran
Joe Baran
Jun 05
Replying to

God is amazing, His grace, mercy, and love should move us all to tears. God's Peace!

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