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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Kisii, Kenya

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 ESV)

As a community, we all share the experience of being blessed by the Lord. We have all been fortunate to be adopted in Christ. Despite our inherent sinfulness, we are reassured that in Christ, “All things work together for good.” In His infinite mercy, our God continues to bless us as we acknowledge and repent for our foolishness.

One of the most awe-inspiring aspects of our God is His ability to use the broken for His purpose. It serves as a constant testament to His power. The transformation of a heap of dirty rags into a child of God is a miracle that unfolds daily. This is a powerful reminder that God is actively at work in our world, for only through Christ can salvation be found.

We all must listen to God’s call. He will use you, and even a tiny act in the name of the Lord can bring powerful, decisive change.

We at InMessiah have been humbled yet again by the Lord. I ask that you all pray for us as we have begun to work with our brothers and sisters in faith in Kisii, Kenya. Please pray for our partners, Brother Hesbon and Sister Marion, who are working tirelessly in both ministry and within an orphanage. Brother Hesbon is devoted to the Lord and has enriched us here at InMessiah in ways he has not yet realized.

God continually humbles us in service, and many challenges come with this new effort for the Lord. Please pray that the Spirit will continue to edify all here and in Kenya. Pray God will continue to guide us here at InMessiah so that we may complete what he has started to God’s glory. I pray God will instruct us as to His will.

Praise God in all His glory. He calls the weak to be strong. Spread the Word to the nations, and they will come.

Grace and Peace!


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24 giu

This is so exciting!! What a beautiful way to spread Gods word and His love ♥️♥️🥰🥰

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Hesbon Arwasa
Hesbon Arwasa
22 giu

Let's live for God's cause Jesus works

Love and prayers to you may the Lord our God bless you with unlimited joy and happiness as we bind to fulfil his work.


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Joe Baran
Joe Baran
23 giu
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