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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Jesus never lies

12 Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12 ESV)

Yet again we will be persecuted according to the words of Christ. Brothers and sisters, I ask that you pray for 71five, an at-risk youth ministry in Oregon.[1] They have been stripped of funding because they are Christians and require all those working in the ministry to be Christ's followers and because of their statement of faith.

Being stripped of their funding by the government, they are at risk of losing employees, lowering the availability for at-risk youth. This is a violation of their constitutional rights. The Supreme Court has ruled against this type of action three times within the last seven years, yet there are still governments and municipalities trying to exclude these services because they are Christian faith-based. Would this have happened if they were Hindu, Buddhist, or Muslim-sponsored programs?

Christ told us that if He was persecuted, we too, who believe in Him, would be persecuted. We are a nuisance. We interrupt the flow of sin and evil in the world. Those who want this “freedom” from Christians are desiring to be prisoners of sin. When we hold to our faith despite persecution, it is a righteous act.

Jesus told us of our persecution in Matthew 11, Peter in 1 Peter 4, and Paul again in Galatians 5. Persecution will continue to grow as darkness continues to spread over the world. Have you ever looked at pictures of the world from above? In the dark, there are tiny isolated, and clustered lights. That is us, those are Christians who, despite the darkness remain a light. We are the light of God and we must let it shine.

Have faith, be strong, and remain devoted. Each of you is a light in the dark that cannot be extinguished.

Grace and Peace!


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