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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

It is God's plan not yours.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”(Genesis 1:27 ESV)

God created humans, and they populated the world. We were created in God's image. We know this because God came to earth and was like us in the flesh. If we were made in His image, Jesus could be nothing but human, look the way he looked, sound the way he sounded, walk on his feet, not his hands, both feet, not three but two, and be like us in the flesh.

God, in His perfect design, created us male and female. This divine intention and design of human gender, a reflection of God's own image, is clear and unambiguous. “Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24.) Husband and wife naturally produce children should God have planned their parenthood.

We are fallible; God is infallible. God is never wrong; He is omnipotent. Satan controls this world, on which he walks to and fro. Every day, people try to figure out “what they are” when divine creation gives them the answer, but Satan blocks this answer, leading people down a road fraught with peril. They think, “But I do not feel I am who I am.” “I am missing something.” In this person who feels this way, there is an absence of God. They feel like something is wrong, and it is, but not what they think. They then try to fix what God made perfect in His eyes, not their own. Sadly, they cannot know they are perfect unless they know the God who created them.

When we have turned ourselves over to God, professing faith in Christ, it is Jesus who lives in us, and we are no longer concerned about ourselves but about Him. We come to understand our creator because we have a living relationship with Him. We understand God does not make mistakes. Submission to God is a deliberate act. We deliberately tell God, “That is it; I put my faith in you, nowhere else. Save me, God, no matter what you must do”. That is submission; that is faith.

People search for answers. They search for the perfect mate, and when they cannot find one, they think well, I just like the other gender. This person cares for me who cares what God thinks. This is the world. The prince of the power of the air has made all things permissible. Whatever makes you feel good, do it, no matter how many people you hurt in the process. It is why we see what is in the world around us, and it is necessary. Yes, I said necessary.

Like in the first century, the rejection of Jesus was necessary for Christ to carry out his plan of redemption. It is necessary today because we are moving towards the second coming, and without rejection, scripture cannot be fulfilled. Have no doubt that God is still in control.

Many will come to Christ, and we must be the vessels of mercy God uses to deliver that message. Yes, what we see around us and it is frustrating, upsetting, and incredibly sad, but God still saves. GOD STILL SAVES!

I urge you to spread the gospel. Even if you are not comfortable speaking about Jesus, the Spirit will enable you once you start talking. In the grocery, at the gas pump, on the train, on the bus, at the park, spread it. The little old lady who lives down the street alone does not know Christ, but you would never think to ask because she is the little old lady who lives down the street, and we think, 'She must know Jesus.' Tell her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ; tell her the good news.  If you are a Christian, you have been commissioned by God Himself, spread it.

Grace and peace.

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