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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

In Your Glory We Pray

Merciful Father,

Today, the Lord’s Day, is a day of great significance. We gather to praise You, Lord, and to seek the fellowship of our fellow believers in Christ. We ask for Your guidance and blessings as we prepare our hearts to rejoice with others  and receive Your Word, preached with discernment, humility, and submission. Strengthen and fill our church leaders with the Holy Spirit, that they may preach Your Word according to Your desires.

Father, we pray that all those who will attend services today will be renewed in their minds and strengthened in their faith, including we who pray this prayer. Please help us serve one another in humility, understanding that nothing we do this day will be out of selfish ambition, but for the glorification of Your name and the edification of our spiritual community. 

We pray for the people behind the scenes, the worship team, and the teachers. Please fill them with Your Spirit and use them as Your instruments of glorification on this Holy day.

In the precious name of our Savior, Christ Jesus, we conclude this prayer. May it serve as a reminder of our shared goal: to seek Your spiritual guidance and blessings for our gathering. Amen. 

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