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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

I do not mean to brag but.....

“May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”(Galatians 6:14 ESV)

We can all be prideful. I, too, have had my moments of pride. But Paul's words to the church in Galatia resonate deeply. He reminds us that the only thing we can truly boast about is what the Lord did for us on the cross and through his resurrection. This boasting is not about us. It's about something we could never achieve on our own. Whenever we boast about our accomplishments, we forget the source; it becomes hollow boasting. Every brilliant, wonderful, inventive, and loving thing we do is a gift from God. This realization should fill us with humility and gratitude, connecting us more deeply to the message.

God made us to overcome the challenges in our lives. But there's one challenge we can never overcome on our own: the challenge of death. And by death, I don't just mean the end of our physical life, but the spiritual death we experience when we are separated from Christ. When we are in the world, living without Christ, we are 'dead in our sins and trespasses.' (Ephesians 2:1). A dead man can do nothing. But when we accept Christ as our savior, repenting our sins and trusting that he has justified us before God, we are changed. The Holy Spirit lives in us, transforming our hearts from stone to flesh.

If you feel the need to boast, let your boast be resounding and clear; let it be about the Lord. Boast about how He transformed you from a heap of filthy rags into a child of God. Boast about how God bestowed upon us the Bible, a guide to understanding how we should live and serve Him. Boast about your love for the Lord, or better yet, about how much the Lord loved you, even when you were living in sin, to the point of sacrificing himself for you. This kind of boasting is not about elevating ourselves, but about acknowledging and celebrating the transformative power of God's love in our lives.

May you never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace and Peace!


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Hesbon Arwasa
Hesbon Arwasa
25 de jun.

I have laid down my soul at your feet.

I know You have blessed me for honoring You for believing in You and relying on You.

I will trust You the rest of my days.

I will serve You Jesus because it's a honor and blessing to serve You.

Thank you Jesus for purchasing my soul for the ultimate price of Your own blood.

I have given it to You freely and You have set me free of the bondage i was in.

I will honor You and testify your name till i take my last breath in this world and carry that name into my next life too.

Thank you Jesus for choosing me for redemption back to you…

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