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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

He Knows You

"None is righteous, no, not one" Romans 3:10. God sent Jesus so the wicked might be saved, and Christ has saved many, and many people claim to have received Christ. If you say Christ has saved you, do you show the light of God externally? Many say they have received Christ, but they do not seem like they are alive in Christ. The glory of Christ does not lift them, and the beauty of Christ is not in their eyes. There is no fire. The words of Paul, "I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord." (Philippians 3:8 ESV), do not echo in their voice. Have you ever experienced these Christians?

Where is the Light?

So, what's the problem? The problem is these people are not receiving Christ for who He truly is, as valuable above all things. They receive Him as a forgiver of sins because they don't like guilt. They receive Him as a healer because they don't want to feel ill. They receive Him as a rescuer from hell because they want to be pain-free. What they are missing about Christ is that He is all lovely, all beautiful, and all precious, a ruby above all rubies. We are to cherish Christ for who he is, the supreme Son of God more valuable than all things.

Great Question!

People ask how the life of one man can save billions. What a great question; I love it and those who ask it. I love them because they put up my soapbox to stand on, so I can give a straightforward yet truthful answer. The answer? That one man, 100% man, 100% God, was worth more than the world's entire population. Worth more than creation itself. Billions of lives do not equal the value of His.

Are You Sure?

Do you love Jesus? No, I mean, do you love Jesus? Is He the center of your life? When you worship, are there times when there are tears in your eyes because of His beauty? Is He all lovely in you? Do you get choked up when you speak of Him and what He has done in your life? If He is not the center of your life, do you really know Him at all? Has that lightbulb over your head been lit?

Seek the true Him

If you do not know Him like this, read, read his words. Sit down alone, talk to Him, and ask Him to show you who He is in you. Learn, and speak with those whose eyes Christ has made brilliant and gleaming, those with a fire for God. This will help you understand his value and beauty. Christ is all lovely. Christ is the most beautiful gift. The Son of God, the life and light of the world, the Word that became flesh—the one who paid for your life with His life. See Him and know Him for who He truly is…..

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