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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

He Decides

Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. (John 9:3 ESV)

Faith is often misunderstood because many believe they have faith in God when, in fact, what they possess is superficial faith. John asked Jesus about the man born blind, who had sinned, the man, or his parents. Jesus replied, "Neither." You see, neither had sinned because the man's blindness was to be healed by Christ to glorify God.

Then, Christ healed the man who had been blind. Everyone who lived around the man knew he was blind. It had become common knowledge that the man was blind from birth and a beggar. So, when Jesus healed the man, everyone asked the man how he could see. The man told the people of the miracle Jesus had performed on him. No one had seen a man blind from birth healed, and God was glorified.

We know God heals, and we know God does not heal. We cannot understand why or the reason each occurs. Our faith allows us to know that the difference between the two is God’s will. A tragedy occurs a senseless death that makes people, even believers, question God, get angry with God, or doubt the goodness of God. This is when you will reveal your faith's depth to God.

If we cannot say, the will of God is always righteous. The death occurred to serve the will of God. Yes, to us, it may be senseless and heartbreaking, but while mysterious, the will of God has a purpose, and we are to pray that through this tragedy, God’s will be done. This death, however tragic, may turn someone back to God. It may have saved the person from some horrible suffering, or it may be that God wants that person, at that time, to be home with Him, sitting at his table.

Superficial faith is a faith that is apparent when all is well in the believer's life. As soon as something challenging happens, the believer begins questioning God at all levels. This is a superficial faith. When difficulty comes, true faith allows the person to lean on Christ, all the while praying, Lord, whatever is happening, I pray Your will be done. Lord, help me understand, hold me in my sorrow, and cover me with your grace and mercy so that I may navigate this tragedy. This is faith. This is a deep faith in that one realizes one's life is not about them but God. One who knows they need a Savior and clings to that Savior as they negotiate these troubles, all the while they are molded by God and increased in their faith.

Trials and tribulations will come, and when they come, they serve God's will. They come to mold us, challenge us, and test us so that we will understand that what occurs in our lives is God’s will. They appear to show the glory of God in one way or another. Like the man born blind, lives are planned by God before time. God already knows how He will use us in every situation.

Omniscient, God knows all things. If we are lucky, God will explain these tragedies to us when we stand before Him in the light of His Glory, a glory we profess every day of our life in the world and will profess for an eternity in heaven.

Grace and Peace!

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