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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

God Hear My Prayer

Abba, Father, Lord,


You are the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega. You are the Christ, the Messiah: Mashiach, the Son of the Living God. You are my creator and the creator of all things from the beginning. In you, I find comfort despite my pain and sorrow. I glorify you because you draw me nearer. You are Immanuel; You are God with us, always present, always near, always near, and understanding. You see and know me; you are my Eternal Lord. You are my heavenly Father, and how great you are, and how comforting your faithfulness is. You are my God, every day, all day! 


You are holy, elevated far above me in perfection, yet you made a way for me to approach you. I praise You and Your Holy Spirit's conviction, correction, and protection in my life. You are invisible to many, but I can see you with my eyes of faith, as Paul said, the eyes of my heart. You are my faithful Shepherd. You are not just King but King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And yes, you are Jesus, the name above all names.


With my whole heart, I will praise you, God. I am all satisfied in You because You are God alone. You are the Messiah, the soon and coming King. Your second coming you prophesied to your Apostles and a prophesy we eagerly await. You are omniscient; you know all things. You are omnipresent everywhere at all times. In you, I have peace; you are a God who protects. You are my High Priest, the one who intercedes for me before the Father, my redeemer and perfect sacrifice forever. I confess to no man but to You, my only mediator with the Father. You died to set me free; you rose again and gave me your victory over death. A gift I do not deserve, and I am eternally grateful that You saved me from myself. I am no longer a slave to sin. You are my refuge, my fortress, and my solace. You give me hope when there is no hope.


I praise you because you are ever faithful. You continue to teach me, and your wisdom overwhelms my finite mind. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You know the number of hairs on my head and always think of me. I am your child, loved like no other can love.


I am blessed and hopeful knowing You are preparing a place for me so that one day, I will live with you forever. I pray that then I will be able to praise You as You truly deserve, a praise that is impossible here on earth, that I am incapable of doing; despite this, you are pleased in my weak attempts to glorify You. It is my love I give to you, Father; it is my praise I give to you, o’ Lord.

How perfect and lovely is your name, Jesus, in which I pray! Amen

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02 de jul.


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Hesbon Arwasa
Hesbon Arwasa
30 de jun.

Happy Church day

The LORD your God in your midst,

The Mighty One, will save;

He will rejoice over you with gladness,

He will quiet you with His love,

He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zeph 3:17

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