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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Go Ahead, Roll them...

I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.” (Revelation 1:18 ESV)

I was asked, "What if it was all wrong and God doesn’t exist?” I got a pit in my stomach because I would be concerned for anyone who even thought that. In my heart, a heart that God changed, where only He and I know the depth of that change, I could not imagine asking that question.

There is evidence of God all around us. Even science leans toward the Bible. DNA sequencing is so complex that it could not be by accident. The Earth is perfectly set near the sun to allow an atmosphere to exist. Looking at a creation so beautiful it could not be by accident.

Atheists, scientists, and the lot, often talk about the “Big Bang” theory of existence. They propose that the universe began with a massive explosion. But what went bang? We know you cannot get something from nothing. I can sit here all day waiting for an apple pie to exist, but unless I go to the store and get one or bake it myself, it will not appear. So, where did matter come from if a tiny piece of matter grew exponentially until it exploded?  It did not just appear; it had to have an origin, and if nothing existed, how did it get there? This is a question that science, as yet cannot answer, and it points to the existence of a Creator.

Looking at the Bible, you will see that God has interacted with man. Some say the Bible is stories, but parts of Genesis and history tell us people and places existed. Do we need proof that God existed? A philosopher, Alvin Plantinga, believed the same as John Calvin, that we, as the creation of God, possess what Calvin called 'sensus divinitatis '. This is an internal sense that God is real, a kind of innate knowledge or awareness of God's existence. I see this as the pull a soon-to-be convert or a devoted Christian feels as they are drawn to God.

Does there have to be proof in God? No, we do not need proof. For one who does not believe in God, they have never experienced God. They do not possess a theology. Every one of you possesses a theology. The American Heritage Dictionary 5th Edition defines theology as:

1.  The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions.

2.  A system or school of opinions concerning God and religious questions.

"Protestant theology; Jewish theology."


You study God, His words, and His influence over creation. You most likely have a belief system. This is your theology; it is what you believe and why. One who does not know God has never experienced God's movement in their life, has never been changed, or knows the changes. They have never been undeniably pulled to God.


Did I address the question? I guess not. “What if it was all wrong and God doesn’t exist?” If I am wrong, then there is nothing. One will die, everything ends, and you’ll never know, so you cannot be disappointed. But if the 66 books of the Bible are God's words. The historical existence of people and places is factual. If over 300 messianic prophecies have been fulfilled, leaving only the ones remaining in Revelation soon to be fulfilled, what then. I believe I am right. Yes, "I believe."

If all Christians are correct, the one who denies the Christ, the one who does not believe, will end up in hell, regretting their decision for an eternity. Existing only to know they put themselves there. All the while, at the same time, the rest of us worship an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing, merciful, loving God, full of grace and glory for eternity.

If you want to roll the dice, go ahead. I’ll stick with what I know: the Alpha, the one who came, Jesus, and the Omega, the one yet to come, Jesus. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, they will reign forever.

Grace and Peace!



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