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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

For Them We Pray

Merciful Father,


It is in my love that I come before You today. I pray you will lift up the lost and the confused. I pray for those who have not been enabled and are unable to see the truth that has been revealed to us through Your Son, Jesus Christ. 


I pray that You would remove the scales of their eyes and ears and that hearts of stone would be turned to flesh. May the truth of Your Gospel, a transformative force, be revealed. Let the gospel, which guides us all, no longer be folly to them.


I pray for the Holy Spirit to guide them, to be their shield against the lies of the enemy.  I pray they would recognize the deceit and would no longer be deceived. 

May the Spirit fill them with a thirst for Your word, a longing to seek You above all else, and may they be transformed by the renewing of their hearts and minds, experiencing the profound change that comes from the edification of the Spirit.


Lord, encapsulate them with Your love so that they will feel Your presence. I pray they will come to understand that without you, there is no hope, no peace, and no salvation.

Lord, turn them away from their sin, let them surrender their lives to You, and accept the free gift of salvation that You offer to all who believe in Your Son.


May they experience the peace that only comes from knowing You and the joy that comes from being in Your presence, understanding that these are the true rewards of a relationship with God. 


I pray all of these things in the precious name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


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