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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

For Edification


Pray for your calm to overtake my presence, mind, and body. Lord, I speak of you, and all that I say, I must speak with love. When speaking to others, those I know and those I do not, I pray you will help me be patient and kind. Lord, instill in me the virtue of humility, that I may be your humble servant before others, always respectful and reverent. Lord, help me not be arrogant, prideful, or critical of others when I speak with others.

Lord Jesus, help me erase self-interest and focus on you, Lord, for without you, I cease to exist. I must rejoice in the truth and make clear the weightiness of sin. Father God, may my voice be full of faith and lift others, not condemn them, for it is then I too am condemned. Help me to speak with confident, unwavering assurances of your grace and mercy for all who are called to you, your elect. Help me clearly verbalize the gospel so that the door to heaven may be opened for the lost and that you would move them from the world of darkness into the truth of the Light of the World.

Blessed be the Word that became flesh and walked among us, transforming us sinners into beloved children of the Father, plucked from the world of the evil one by the transformative power of your love.

In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen

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2 commentaires

25 août

A much need prayer today. Thank you brother.


Hesbon Arwasa
Hesbon Arwasa
25 août

Praise God

Happy Church day

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