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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Do you wait for Him?

“O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I direct my prayer to you and watch.” Psalm 5:3 ESV

We are often overcome with tears in prayer. Why the tears? For me, it is because prayer is so much more than we understand. Often, it is more than we can explain. It is more than making requests. My tears come because I know my God can hear me. I know that in my prayer, I am speaking to the living God, and He hears me. I am a wretched sinner whom, through His mercy, He made a servant, and He is listening to me. How can I not weep, knowing my former disobedience and rebellion only to become an heir by faith and grace?

What do you pray for? Are you praying to ask God for something you desire, to get something? Prayer is far more than offering praise or asking for things. It is more than expressing our thankfulness. It is more than asking for God’s intercession for others. Prayer is us knowing in our hearts that the God of creation wants our prayers, that He adores us and is overjoyed in us when we patiently wait for Him and His answers to our prayers. Prayer is having the expectation of God’s actions and for Him to bring his redemption in response to our prayers. We eagerly wait and watch, fully expecting that God will meet us in our prayer time and do what is best for us and those for whom we pray, even when it is not exactly what we pray for.

What do you pray for? Have you stopped praying, thinking, “God never answers me?” God does not answer prayers in our time but His. Are you waiting for something from God that He has not delivered? Maybe it is not what God intends for you. Maybe God is trying to guide you away from what you seek, or maybe God is watching for you to remain faithful and walk through the fire that is laid before you.

We can apply the words of Daniel 3 to prayer; God can answer our prayers, God will answer our prayers, and even if He does not, we will still love Him because He is our God.

Do not lose hope or faith. Our brother and mediator, Jesus Christ, hears all things, as does the Spirit that lives in you and God our Father, who knew the end before the beginning.

Grace and Peace!

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May 05


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