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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Did You Commit?

“Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has 

clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation.” (Psalm 24:3-5 ESV)

God has chosen who will ascend God’s hill. God has chosen who shall stand in God’s holy place. No one else has chosen. God has chosen his elect yet not all the chosen have come to God. For some, the door to the gospel has not been opened. It seems to me Paul Washer said, “Becoming a Christian is a deliberate act.” If I misattributed this, I apologize to the one who said it because we must understand this principle.

Growing up in a Christian home does not make you a Christian; going to worship every week does not, and being a good person does not. By the way, none of us are good; ask Paul (Romans 3). We must submit ourselves to the Lord. It is a deliberate act. It is a conscious decision. When we submit to the Lord and repent our sins, Christ justifies us before God. We are made right so that we may ascend God’s holy hill and stand before God.

Once, a practicing Roman Catholic asked me, “How can you believe you will be cleansed enough to stand before God when you die?” They were referring to the unbiblical belief and requirement of purgatory. My answer was simple. I am cleansed by the blood of the lamb, Jesus, who has removed all my sins, past, present, and future. It is not on my own merit that I enter heaven but on the merit of Jesus. This truth provides us with the ultimate peace and reassurance in our faith.

The psalmist, King David, reminds us of our place in the kingdom. He speaks of what I see as our ongoing sanctification, our continuous growth in holiness, and our daily practices in living our lives for Christ. Yes, we will continue to sin, but as we grow in sanctification, we turn more and more from our sins. Our salvation is secure, and our continuous growth in sanctification, our ongoing cleansing as we repent of our sins, the evidence of our adoption, our fruit that is revealed in our service, and our devotion are all part of our ongoing spiritual journey.

Have you committed that deliberate act? Have you submitted to the majesty of Christ? Choose Jesus because Jesus has already chosen you.

Grace and Peace!

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