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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Deep Groaning of Despair

“Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” (Romans 8:26 ESV)

Many people are somewhat puzzled by the Holy Spirit. A part of the Trinity, the Spirit plays a great role in our daily lives. However, we do not hear many sermons on the Spirit, so the importance of His role in the life of a Christian is sometimes unintentionally downplayed. 

In Romans 8, Paul speaks of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is with us in our weakness. In times of tribulation, we inwardly groan in our suffering, and the Spirit helps us. But why does He help us? Because, as Paul reminds us, in our grief or troubles we do not know how we ought to pray. Have you ever been so distraught that you had no idea what to do next? You felt helpless and that you had nowhere to turn. You did not even have the words to describe what you were feeling. It is then that the Spirit prays for intercession for you. Remember, when you are saved, the Spirit lives in you and is acutely aware of everything in your life.

Unlike a therapist, a friend, or a coworker, the Spirit intercedes for us on a personal level. God’s grace was delivered to us through the Spirit, and we are interconnected. So, as we groan in our trials, the Spirit groans deeply in prayer for us on His own.

Why is this so important? Well, Paul reveals this to us in verse 27. “And he who searches hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” When the Spirit prays for us to God, God accepts His prayers on our behalf. God knows our hearts, and God knows the mind of the Spirit. Although God is three in being, He is still one in person. All three beings of the Trinity share omniscience.

As we fumble with words in prayer, often overstating what we pray for, the Spirit and God already know our groanings. Those groanings are the Spirit's groanings as well, and our weakness affects the Spirit, too.

Jesus sent the Advocate to the disciples; He sent Him to us as well. Take heart in your troubles, for the Spirit presents His deep, inward groanings of prayer to the Father, and they are heard.

Remember, God has planned your life and knows what you need before you need it. Our groanings in prayer tell God of our pain and troubles, and in His knowing, God will carry you.

Grace and Peace!

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