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  • Writer's pictureJerry Hanline

Be Strengthened by Grace

“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1 ESV)

How often have you heard, “If you do your part, God will do His part?” I know I heard that a lot for a few years, not so much anymore. Not because there are not plenty of churches that teach this, but I no longer expose myself to that type of unbiblical teaching. Honestly, I was exhausted “trying” to be strong and to live a “Christian” life. It seemed like I could never do enough. I was on the Christian life “hamster wheel.” In trying to live my life to please God in my own strength. I realized I just could not do it.    

Have you ever been there? It seems like the more we give of our time, money, Bible study, prayer, and church attendance, someone says the reason we are not flourishing in our walk with Jesus is that we need to do more. That is just not true, and why I love Paul’s exhortation to Timothy in 2:1 “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus”.  

Now I don’t like to “cherry pick” verses out of context, so go back to 1:13 and 14, where Paul tells Timothy in verses 13-14 to “Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you." "Follow" in the ESV or ‘Hold fast’ in the KJV “the pattern of sound words you that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus,” and in verse 14 to “ ‘Guard’ (ESV) or ‘Keep’ (KJV) “through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the good deposit which has been entrusted to you.” Both verbs used by Paul are in the “imperative” mood which we have learned is a “command” or instruction, something expected to be accomplished, not just a suggestion.

Now in 2:1, Paul once again uses the imperative mood of the verb ‘be strengthened’ by the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” [emphasis mine]. So, in the context of the surrounding verses, Paul is giving Timothy these commands, “Follow, Guard, and Be Strengthened." But not in his own efforts or power, but “in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus,” and, “by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us,” and “by the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” 

I see a pattern here; do you see it? Paul is telling Timothy to do these things but not to try to do them of his own might or power. He is NOT telling Timothy to work really hard at these, to put in more time on his knees praying, or one of my favorites, “give until it hurts,” or spend more time ministering to others. Instead, Paul is saying to do these things “by the grace that is in Christ Jesus”. You see, we cannot please God or earn God’s love by doing more on our own or trying harder. God’s grace is a gift, not something we can earn. God’s grace is Him reaching down to us, not working our way up to Him. God’s grace, not our works, saves us, and God’s grace, not our works, keeps us close to Him. 

We cannot earn God’s love; God’s love is a gift.  So, why do we not stop “doing more” things, expecting them to fill the hole in our souls, and start realizing that it is only God’s grace, power, mercy, and love that fills that hole and guides us to serve our risen Savior? It is all about Jesus, not about us. Let us start living our lives out of appreciation for what Jesus has already done for us, not out of obligation, so we will “get something from God.” “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus,”

"Living in Grace is not about what I can do, but about what Jesus has already done!"



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