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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

At the Car Wash?

“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 10:12 ESV)

Do you serve God this way? Is it hard for you to serve God in any way? We are children of God, those who have faith in Christ. Children should obey their parents out of love. I love you, and then you should do as I ask out of that love. It is not about control, discipline, or philanthropy; it is about love.

Imagine you have a son or a daughter who wants to go to a baseball game or a movie with their friends. They ask if they can borrow your car, and as a loving parent, you agree. However, you request them to wash the car so it's clean for church the next day. Instead of a cheerful response, all you hear are complaints. 'I don’t have time. Can I do it later? Can I do it before church?' You firmly say no, explaining that they can't use the car if they don't wash it.

Reluctantly, they do, but you look outside and see their anger; they are talking to themselves, and you can tell the anger is fierce. Do you rejoice because they are obedient? No, you are heartbroken because they would not do what you asked because they love you. Why? Why could they not just say sure, no problem, I will wash it right now.

God wants our obedience out of love. Salvation results in love. If we are saved, we have an undeniable love for God, or at least we should. If we do not, then we should take some time for deep reflection on where we truly are with God. I cannot deny my love for God, and I will take on any task God puts in front of me out of love, not to impress, not out of pride, but because I love Him more than anything in this world.

When Christians reject God's will for their lives, they refuse to wash the car. This is disrespectful and heartbreaking. Serving God is a blessing, and we should pour our hearts into it.

Where are you with God? How deep is your love and devotion? What would you do out of your love for God?

Grace and Peace!

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Hesbon Arwasa
Hesbon Arwasa
Jun 18


Joe Baran
Joe Baran
Jun 18
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And to you Brother

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