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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

An Infallible Plan

“For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose” (Isaiah 46:9-10 ESV)

Isaiah 46 puts forth the sovereignty of God without question. In verse 9, Isaiah speaks the words of God: “For I am God, and there is no other.” Recalling Exodus 20:2, Isaiah speaks a reminder for those who have strayed from God, God’s acts of deliverance, acts only God could bring forth. “There is none like me.” Here is a reminder of Psalm 50:21 given by Isaiah; a reminder I imagine increased the impact of the rebuke of God on the house of Jacob. It shows the consistency of the righteousness of God from older times and God’s power. It is also a reminder of God’s judgment upon His enemies, revealing God’s power to direct the course of events.

In verse 10, Isaiah tells the house of Jacob that unlike Bel and Nebo (Isa 40:1), both of whom have neither power nor wisdom, God’s power is such that He decrees through His infinite wisdom that which is established. There is no power in the universe that can foil the sovereignty of God.

We tend to forget the sovereignty of God. When we look at the world’s leadership, those making decisions that impact millions, we must remember the story of Joseph. Joseph told his brothers, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” (Gen 50:20). God controls all things, so while it becomes overwhelming sometimes, the prices of food, gas, and electricity, God is in control.

God knows the end of His plan; it was decided before the beginning. Nothing can change this fact. No president, no war, no Satan, nothing nor no one can derail the plan of God. I do not know what more we need if that does not give us confidence. Yes, God is silent, but He is alive. Our canon is closed; God does not speak audibly to us, but God’s hand is always upon us. There is nothing more frightening to me than someone, especially a pastor, who says, “God spoke to me and said.” There lies heresy in what was spoken and, most likely, what follows.

We must remember we serve God. It is not the other way around; God doesn’t serve us. Look at the blessings God has bestowed upon you. The blessing is present even in trials, although we might have to look hard to see it. God provides, Christ made it a point to tell us this fact. We only need to have faith in God and serve Him. We only need to be satisfied in God; in doing so, God is most glorified by us.

God knows what you have done and what you have not done. God has given you free will to make decisions that hopefully reflect your love and devotion to God. If there is something wrong in your life, correct it. If you are not living up to God’s standards, work on it. My favorite attribute of God is His patience. If it were not for God’s patience, we all wind up in some place none of us want to be. I hate the heat, so for me, hell is not an option (I pray God sees it that way too)

Live for God every day. Be thankful for His blessings. Repent your sins continually. You are a child of God, and He has adopted you. If you do not know Jesus Christ, seek Him. What do you have to lose? Answer: An eternity in heaven is what you can lose.

Peace and Grace!

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