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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

A Wave of Purpose

"They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. 19 And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth." (John 17:16-19 ESV)

Jesus prayed to the Father that the disciples who received His words would be sanctified, as He was sending them out into the world in His service. Brother Jerry Hanline wrote of sanctification this week and what it means to be separate. Jesus was asking for this sanctification of those in His service so that they would remain separated from the world as they did their holy work.

When we are sanctified by Christ, there is a change. We speak of regeneration often. I want you to think about devotion and service. We are all called to spread the Gospel of Jesus, the good news of Jesus. We were all called to the great commission, but sometimes we are called to something different.

Sometimes, we experience a compulsion, a drawing to God so intense that we are compelled by the Spirit. This compulsion is overwhelming. It is a wave of devotion and desire you cannot escape. Those who experience this compulsion sometimes are not aware of what it is. It can start as a feeling of being called for “something more,” a feeling that “ I am meant to do something,” but they are not quite sure what. It can manifest itself as frustration, depression, and sometimes anger.

When you feel this way, it's not a random compulsion; it is a divine calling. God is calling you for a purpose, for something more. For those who experience this calling at first, it may be confusing. Many may try to run from it, but if God has a plan for you, there's no escaping it. They may feel unworthy, but remember, God uses broken people for His purposes. If you talk to people in ministry, many will say, “I cannot believe what God has done for me.” They say, “I would never have believed God would use me like this for His purposes.”

If you are feeling this way, it is a sign that God is calling you to a greater sanctification, a greater separation from the world. It will consume you, but in a way that leads to personal growth and fulfillment. Jesus will become the center of everything you do, driving you to serve Him in ways you cannot imagine. The reward is overwhelming emotionally, mentally, and, most of all, spiritually. There is not one moment you will not think of Christ. You will do everything you can do to glorify him.

In the process, you become a better person, a holier person, a better father or mother, a better sister or brother, and a better friend. The world may hate you, but Jesus has asked the Father to sanctify you. Christ has asked the Father, “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.”(John 17:15 ESV.) Jesus asked for his disciples to be protected from Satan, and that protection extends to you as well.

Not everyone is called for this type of service. When you are, it does not end; until the day you are with Him in heaven, this compulsion will continue to overwhelm you. One ministry may end, but God will lead you to another and another if necessary.

A time is coming and has come that many will be called to put on the armor of the Lord. To be a part of this deep service. If Jesus is calling you, do not run from Him, it is impossible. Run to Him and embrace Him deeply, and say to Him as did Isaiah, “Here am I Lord, send me.” (Isaiah 6)

Grace and Peace!

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