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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

A Never Ending Desire

“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you,   as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.” (Psalm (63:1-4 ESV)

Do you desire God in this way? You can hear the desire of David in these verses. David is desperate for God. The love and devotion of God is the water that sustains David. A craving, an overwhelming need for God. Do you need God this way?

Written while in the desert, David refers to the dry and weary land. David focuses on his desire for God. Even in the difficulties and dangers of the desert, God is the one David focuses on to help relieve him of his distress. Does your desire for God overwhelm the troubles in your life? Does your love for God and push everything else aside?

Instead of focusing on his needs, David chooses to focus on the goodness of God, the blessings God has afforded him. The love of God, a love that has never left David and has been ever faithful. Instead of focusing on his harsh surroundings, David chooses to remember the goodness of God. Where do you focus in your times of need, on the needs, or the God who provides all things to those who have faith?

Even in this dark time, David lifts his hands in worship despite his desperate situation. When troubles befall you, do you blame God or worship God, knowing that through all things, God continues to mold us in his image? Does your love for God override all things?

The life of a Christian is not easy. Jesus made this clear to us. It is essential that we understand that all we are given comes from God. If we face challenges, God will use them to mold and sanctify us. Our path is laid before us by God, our God, who knows the end of our lives before they begin. If you cannot trust God with your life, who can you trust? You cannot trust either humans or beasts. There is only God.

If you are truly a Christian, God will be foremost in your life; you will thirst for him and him alone. You will desire him above all things. You will need him more than life. He will be the center of all things in your life, all things, all people, all possessions. Is this you? Is this how you treasure God? If it is not, what are you holding on to? All things will disappear, all people will die, all things will end. If your desire for God is less than David’s, I will pray for you that the one true living God will overshadow you, and all else in your life will fall to the side lest you never know him in this way, the way he deserves, and you desperately need.

Grace in Peace


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