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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran


Abba, Father,

We pray for your children in distress that they would have your peace.

We pray for those in calamity, that they would be lifted up.

We pray for those who know you that they will remain steadfast in love and faith.

We pray for those who are alone to know that they will never be alone in you.

We pray for those who do not know you that you would open their eyes and ears to your call.

We pray for the poor that they would know stability.

We pray for our Christian brothers and sisters all over the world that despite persecution, the angry world around them, the hate, and the confrontation, they will continue to spread the Gospel to those who do not yet know you.

Lord all things are possible through you.

Your elect can be saved, your bride the church will grow, and the wolves among the sheep will be eradicated.

In the lovely name of Your Son, Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen

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