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  • Writer's pictureJoe Baran

Hi ....

Jesus had just healed a crippled man. The Pharisees boiled with anger as Jesus told the paralyzed man his sins were forgiven. Despite the miracle that occurred before their eyes, they persecuted Jesus.

Next, Jesus went outside, where he called another apostle, Levi, also called Matthew. As with Jesus, his calling Levi was a choice of the worst of the worst. Levi was a tax collector. Most charged far more taxes than required, pocketing the excess. Levi was a Roman sympathizer, one that no Israelite would associate with except for the other tax collectors and sinners. Yet, Jesus chose Levi, and Levi followed Jesus, giving up his money, position, and everything he owned.

How often are we, the Israelites, the ones who look down at others? It happens, and it happens within the church. I am a sinner of sinners, born into sin, having spread sin in my wake. Yet God chose me. He chose you, and as much as you might minimize your sin, you are the same as me.

It can be challenging to walk with Jesus. We are called to be open with those others see as “a problem” so that the door to the gospel may be opened. This does not mean we condone sin, but we example the Lord to others with love. When we plant that seed or befriend those who have none, it is an opening for the life-changing power of the gospel.

The reality of hell is real. God has his chosen, but only He knows their identity. We must share the gospel with those who do not know Him and strengthen those who do. Your words to that homeless person, co-worker, or cashier might be the restoring words of the Lord He sends through you.

Peace and Grace!

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