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The information on this site should not be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition.

All contributors to In Messiah are not mental health professionals or counselors, and we do not offer advice regarding your mental health. Please consult your mental health provider to devise and implement the best strategies for you and your situation.

Nor is In Messiah in the position to help you make life decisions or provide help if you are in danger. Here at In Messiah, we offer traditional Reformed theological teachings as beliefs that may vary from other denominations or religions.

The information and opinions presented on this website are not meant to be used in place of professional help, whether for spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical issues. Please get in touch with local healthcare or religious professionals and leaders if you need professional mental, physical, or spiritual assistance. If you are in danger of hurting yourself, please get in touch with your local emergency services.

In Messiah provides information based on educational teachings and interpretation of scripture. Readers should question all writings here and verify the use of scripture with that found in the Bible, other theologians, pastors, and ministers. Only believe reflections, devotions, or faith teachings once you verify that each teaching is reflected in biblical scripture. Any teacher of scripture should welcome such scrutiny of their writings and beliefs. If a teacher takes offense to such verification, one should use caution when reading the writings or interpretations of such a person.

In Messiah cannot save or provide salvation, but are servants of God, providing His words that one might decide to seek Jesus Christ as their Savior.



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